Social Infrastructure and Care Work

Taking care work out of the isolation of the private household does not mean that everything has to take place in public institutions, but that the home itself becomes part of the social infrastructure. This requires a large network of other infrastructures and neighborhood initiatives into which households are organically integrated.

This applies not only to services for family caregivers but also for other social groups such as single parents or migrant domestic workers.

Infrastructure that promotes collective forms of caring for one another and opens up a space beyond private households on the one hand and communal facilities on the other is therefore an important pillar. These must be recognized and publicly supported in such a way that the focus is on self-organization and self-management in order to provide space for changing needs and practices. Such structures cannot be designed theoretically; they must be tested in practice and continuously developed.

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  • Pellentesque accumsan nibh eget dolor ornare dignissim. Sed varius dolor a nulla mollis ultricies. Donec at ante eget diam tristique accumsan. Ut maximus justo sed magna tristique feugiat. Maecenas eu urna sed ligula tincidunt interdum. Fusce ut accumsan felis. Donec dictum ex molestie accumsan finibus. Nulla mattis lorem elementum rhoncus ornare. Aenean ligula tellus, elementum vitae blandit eget, cursus id libero. Praesent sed quam sit amet magna ullamcorper ultricies. Integer ac egestas ipsum.
  • Pellentesque accumsan nibh eget dolor ornare dignissim. Sed varius dolor a nulla mollis ultricies. Donec at ante eget diam tristique accumsan. Ut maximus justo sed magna tristique feugiat. Maecenas eu urna sed ligula tincidunt interdum. Fusce ut accumsan felis. Donec dictum ex molestie accumsan finibus. Nulla mattis lorem elementum rhoncus ornare. Aenean ligula tellus, elementum vitae blandit eget, cursus id libero. Praesent sed quam sit amet magna ullamcorper ultricies. Integer ac egestas ipsum.
  • Pellentesque accumsan nibh eget dolor ornare dignissim. Sed varius dolor a nulla mollis ultricies. Donec at ante eget diam tristique accumsan. Ut maximus justo sed magna tristique feugiat. Maecenas eu urna sed ligula tincidunt interdum. Fusce ut accumsan felis. Donec dictum ex molestie accumsan finibus. Nulla mattis lorem elementum rhoncus ornare. Aenean ligula tellus, elementum vitae blandit eget, cursus id libero. Praesent sed quam sit amet magna ullamcorper ultricies. Integer ac egestas ipsum.


  1. Pellentesque accumsan nibh eget dolor ornare dignissim. Sed varius dolor a nulla mollis ultricies. Donec at ante eget diam tristique accumsan. Ut maximus justo sed magna tristique feugiat. Maecenas eu urna sed ligula tincidunt interdum. Fusce ut accumsan felis. Donec dictum ex molestie accumsan finibus. Nulla mattis lorem elementum rhoncus ornare. Aenean ligula tellus, elementum vitae blandit eget, cursus id libero. Praesent sed quam sit amet magna ullamcorper ultricies. Integer ac egestas ipsum.
  2. Pellentesque accumsan nibh eget dolor ornare dignissim. Sed varius dolor a nulla mollis ultricies. Donec at ante eget diam tristique accumsan. Ut maximus justo sed magna tristique feugiat. Maecenas eu urna sed ligula tincidunt interdum. Fusce ut accumsan felis. Donec dictum ex molestie accumsan finibus. Nulla mattis lorem elementum rhoncus ornare. Aenean ligula tellus, elementum vitae blandit eget, cursus id libero. Praesent sed quam sit amet magna ullamcorper ultricies. Integer ac egestas ipsum.
  3. Pellentesque accumsan nibh eget dolor ornare dignissim. Sed varius dolor a nulla mollis ultricies. Donec at ante eget diam tristique accumsan. Ut maximus justo sed magna tristique feugiat. Maecenas eu urna sed ligula tincidunt interdum. Fusce ut accumsan felis. Donec dictum ex molestie accumsan finibus. Nulla mattis lorem elementum rhoncus ornare. Aenean ligula tellus, elementum vitae blandit eget, cursus id libero. Praesent sed quam sit amet magna ullamcorper ultricies. Integer ac egestas ipsum.

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